Five Tips for Designing Effective Informal Learning Spaces in Higher Ed
Learning happens everywhere. At least that’s what the research says. The research also shows that spaces that are intentionally designed to support learning are more effective than spaces that aren’t. When designing an active learning ecosystem—meaning that all of the spaces are intentionally designed to support learning, not just the classrooms—informal learning spaces can be […]
Designing Active Learning Classrooms
It seems like the term “active learning” is everywhere in the higher education zeitgeist—and everyone has a slightly different definition for what that means. Regardless of the specific interpretation, every classroom in which active learning occurs has one thing in common: a need for flexibility. Active learning can take many faces—group activities, drawing on writeable […]
Breakout Rooms in Higher Ed: Study, Gather, Learn
Breakout rooms are the new must-have in educational design. While they’ve always existed on some level, because of the emphasis on group and team learning, many institutions are investing in placing breakout rooms throughout new and existing classroom buildings, libraries, and student centers. A breakout room can be a simple as a room with a […]
What Is Active Learning?
The term “active learning” has swept through academia over the past two decades—and it seems like it’s here to stay. Because there are so many approaches to active learning, the concept can get very muddied. At its core, active learning refers to engaging students actively in course material. This can be done over the course […]
Planning for K-12 Wellness: New Construction
The built environment has a direct impact on feelings of wellbeing, both in adults and in children. Adults spend most of their time at work and at home. In fact, the built environment can cause additional stress and even affect learning when not designed properly. The old formula of supplying a classroom with loud, heavy […]
Planning for K-12 Wellness: Existing Environments
Like adults, many school-aged children are affected by stress and anxiety, and often the built environment does little to relieve stressors. In fact, the built environment can actually cause additional stress and even affect learning when not designed properly. The days of outfitting a classroom with beige walls, heavy metal desks, and a chalkboard are […]
What Is Modular Construction?
As the world rapidly shifts in response to technology evolution, global events, and an increasing emphasis on sustainability, the built environment must shift as well. These factors mean that traditional construction—where the building is fully built from the ground up on-site—is becoming less appealing than modular construction, where much of the building is manufactured off-site […]
Factors to Consider in K-12 Educational Design: New Construction
If we’ve learned anything in the last few years, it’s that educational spaces need to be agile, and able to flex with a variety of circumstances. The world is moving on from chalkboards and metal desks, designing classrooms with more thought and intention. Integrating flexible and inclusive design features can be done in a renovation, […]